After not releasing any production reports last month, the BEP released the August 2016 and September 2016 production numbers today. There were eight runs of star notes printed - lots of which are small runs:
$1 - Series 2013
E 03 200 001 * - E 03 450 000 *
This is small run of 250,000 notes, printed as 5,000 50-note sheets in the DC printing facility.
F 09 600 001 * - F 09 700 000 *
This is an even smaller run of 100,000 notes printed as sheets in the DC printing facility.
G 03 200 001 * - G 06 400 000 *
G 06 400 001 * - G 09 600 000 *
There's nothing special about these notes. Two full runs, printed in DC.
G 09 600 001* - G 09 850 000 *
This is a small run of 250,000 notes printed in Fort Worth.
J 00 000 001 * - J 00 250 000 *
Another small run of 250,000 notes printed in Fort Worth. This is the first we've seen of the "J" FRB for 2013 $1's. If no more star notes are printed for this FRB/series/denomination, these could become quite difficult to find.
$20 - Series 2013
MG 09 600 001 * - B 09 920 000 *
Back to the 32-note printing standard - this is a run of 320,000 notes printed as 10,000 32-note sheets. There are plenty of other 2013 $20 "G" notes out there, so I wouldn't consider these super rare. Printed in DC.
$100 - Series 2009A
LL 16 000 001 * - LL 19 200 000 *
This is another full run of star notes printed in Fort Worth. As you can tell by the starting serial number of 16 million, there are lots of these notes out there. Unless I found one in absolutely uncirculated condition, I probably wouldn't hold on to it.
Bonus potentially-rare non-star notes (again)
Back in August a few $2 runs were printed that have the potential for becoming rare in the future (given no more are printed for those FRBs). There were no new $2 printed in August or September 2016, so I believe they're still worth finding and holding onto. Read more about the Potentially-Rare Non-Star Notes here.
Please do not contact me for appraisal requests.
They will be ignored and/or deleted. I receive too many to handle. Read the article "What Is My Note Worth?" to learn how to determine your note's value.